Thursday, December 15, 2011

Magluto Tayo

Palitaw (from litaw, the Tagalog word for "float" or "rise") is a small, flat, sweet rice cake, made from malagkit (sticky rice). A popular Filipino merienda.

1 cup rice flour
3/4 cup water
coconut flakes
White sugar
Toasted sesame seeds


1. In a bowl, mix rice flour with water to make dough.
2. Make little balls then flatten.
3. Boil water in a saucepan.
4. Drop flattened dough balls into boiling water. The cakes are cooked when they float.
5. Remove from water, let cool a little bit
6. Roll in combined sugar and toasted sesame seeds and coconut flakes.

Clarissa’s contribution to the World Recipe Book—a project of the NSW School Federation of Community Languages.

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