Friday, August 24, 2012

Life and Culture - What is Arnis?

Members of BARKADA and PCFS students were fortunate to be given a demonstration of  Arnis by Danny Rosales who has a special interest in this Filipino form of martial arts . 
 By:  Mitz & Chris Rosales

Arnis is a generic name used for Filipino Martial Arts  and refers to a number of traditional Filipino Martial Arts, most notably Modern Arnis. It is a branch of Filipino Martial Arts, a system of self-defence techniques that utilises a primary weapon known as the rattan stick, also called a cane or baston. The stick acts as an extension of the hands for maximum reach and impact.

Arnis, like other systems of fighting can be practiced empty-handed, or with the use of weapons. Unlike other styles which begin with the empty-hand techniques, Arnis is unique in its training, as it begins with the use of weapons then progresses to empty-hand techniques. It is believed that proficiency in weaponry first will mean perfection in empty-hand techniques later. Considering the student has already trained with weapons, the empty-hand training
becomes quite easy.

Arnis  originated from Northern Luzon regions of the Philippines and  widely practiced by the Filipinos long before the coming of the Spaniards. The Rajahs and  Maharlikas were the first people to become experts in the art of Arnis.

Just as Kung Fu became the norm of the day for the Chinese during their periods of turmoil, so was Arnis to the Filipinos during the periods of Spanish colonization, Japanese invasion and American orientation.


The Read Philippines Project aims to encourage interest and awareness of Philippine cultural heritage by enhancing the existing collection of books and audio-visual materials on the Philippines in Australian libraries. A collection of over 64 titles is available at Penrith City Library.

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