Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Great Day: Philippine Independence Day in Penrith

A Flag Raising Ceremony marked the 113th anniversary of Philippine Independence at the City of Penrith on 25 June 2011. The Philippine Consulate General Honourable Anne J. Louis and Deputy Mayor Clr. Jim Aitken OAM led the celebrations at the Penrith Civic Centre.

The Philippine Language and Cultural Association of Australia (PLCAA) has worked for the third time in partnership with the Penrith City Council in organising this significant event in cooperation with the Filipino-Australian community.

Crowds gathered to witness the raising of the Philippine National Flag, Australian National Flag, the State Flag and the Aboriginal Flag at 9:00 am. Penrith City Council Councillors and General Manager Alan Stoneham welcomed the guests as the PLCAA Glee Club sang Philippine cultural songs. Members of the Maharlika Riders Sydney displayed small Philippine Flags on their parade of motorbikes. This spectacle generated enormous interest from the crowd. Everybody knew it would be a great day of celebration.

Penrith City Council Events Officer Ms Christine Glasson presided over the official proceedings and was assisted by Events Coordinator Colin Dickson. Deputy Mayor Cr. Aitken reiterated in his speech the recognition given by the Penrith City Council towards the contribution of the Filipino Australian community in the enhancement of cultural diversity. Hon. Anne Louis emphasised the importance of the commemoration of the Philippine Independence Day as we remember the hardships of our heroes fighting for our freedom. She spoke of the 150th birthday of Philippine National hero, Dr. Jose Rizal on 19 June 2011 and maintaining our roots of Philippine heritage. The National Flags were raised as follows: Federal Member for Lindsay and Parliament Secretary for the Treasurer Hon David Bradbury MP raised the Australian National Flag, Hon Anne J. Louis raised the Philippine National Flag, State Member for Mulgoa Tanya Davies MP raised the State Flag and Clr. Jim Aitken OAM raised the Aboriginal Flag. The PLCAA Glee Club led the singing of the National Anthems.

This ceremony was indeed a commemoration of the rich Philippine history which speaks of the heroism of our forefathers who fought hard to achieve freedom that we Filipinos now enjoy. We paid tribute and respect to our ancestors on this day.

A program of culture and entertainment followed at the prestigious Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre. PLCAA President Dr. Alexis Leones welcomed the community with its leaders to a celebration of music and dance. This celebration showed the pride we have in our freedom, the fruit of the struggles and sacrifices of our ancestors over three centuries of Spanish colonial rule. Dr. Leones recalled that 12 June 1898 marked the birth of the Philippine Republic. The Philippine Flag was first unfurled and the Philippine National Anthem was first performed by a marching band on this day. "This festive celebration is an opportunity to share with the community the rich Philippine culture and traditions through music and dance. We are inspired by thecontinuing love we have for our native land and our aspirations in contributing greatly to our local communities

PLCAA Auditor Mike Alvarez gave the invocation thanking all countries including Australia for “ unselfishly opening its shores to Filipinos who seek to experience life in another country” Mr. Alvarez also acknowledged all Filipinos who” never forget their native land”. Entertainment followed and featured traditional folk dances, the traditional Rigodon de Honor and the harmonic rhythm of Filipino songs. Great performers who led the cast in the celebration were Gilda Pagaduan, Bobby Harrison, Rie Manaloto, Clarissa Bock, Joshua Montillano, OZ Myx, Isabelle Montillano, PLCAA Cultural Dancers, Carinosa Dancers, Ninas de Filipinas, Prolifique Crew, GWS, PLCAA Glee Club, PASSCI Choir, SAFSI and the Sonata Singers. The Penrith Community Filipino School students and the Penrith Filipino Youth Group Barkada also participated.

Food stalls featured known Filipino dishes and traditional delicacies. Product displays and information booths added a festive atmosphere to the Concert Hall. The Philippine Jeepney kit, an innovative arts & craft installation created by Andy Porral and launched at the 2011 Filipino Cultural Heritage Youth Camp was seen on display.

Event Chairperson and PLCAA Board Director Danny Rosales was pleased of the outcome of the event. On behalf of PLCAA, Danny thanked all the participants and volunteers who helped create a festive celebration with great entertainment for the community. Young Filipino- Australians benefit from the collaborative efforts shown in sharing with the community as significant part of Philippine history, re-establishing our roots and rediscovering our heritage through this celebration

The event supported by the Philippine Consulate General in Sydney, Philippine Community Council of NSW and Philippine Airlines concluded with a picnic at the grounds of the Penrith Civic Centre and Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre. It was indeed a great day which will remain an inspiration for PLCAA to pursue its partnership with the Penrith City Council in celebrating such an important commemoration.

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