Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Good Sight

Once again, Filipino spirit prevailed and Independence Day came together at the Joan Sutherland Centre in Penrith on Saturday 25th June 2011. It never ceases to amaze me that these events, in the beginning, always seem so overwhelming. There are the entertainers to book and practices to attend, not to mention, the logistics of getting all of the talented performers, their music, props and costumes, onto the stage in time. Yet, in true Filipino style, everything seems to work. There is definitely something to be said for the laid back, “Easy ka lang” attitude of the Filipino. Many hands sure made light work at this year’s event. From Tito Danny backstage, to Tito Larry in the sound room, everyone seemed to know exactly where they had to be.

Unfortunately for me, I was not able to view the wonderful acts from the front of the stage. Even so, from the side of the stage, they looked fantastic. The flickering of the Pandanggo candles and the twirling of the Rigodon dancers was a wonderful sight to behold. As usual, there were a wide variety of acts.

Even when not on stage, the hip-hop dancers and Rigodon performers wowed locals as they warmed up outside or in the foyer. What a strange and beautiful sight it must have been for Penrith locals, who were on their way to the shops, to see the brightly coloured skirts of the dancers practising in the gardens outside the centre. The performers, so intent on their practice, probably didn’t notice the passers-by with their cameras, or the small children, staring in amazement.

Of course, it was a tiring day for all those involved, but well worth it. Congratulations to the organisers and planning committee members: Danny Rosales, Lionel Laserna, Larry Capco, Delson Ombina, Divina Ibarra, Dodee Leones, Alan Candelario, Maya Ibarra and Marie

As for me, I was lucky enough to be able to sit down and watch the final performance. The wonderful Glee Club performed a joyful Filipino song and audience members ran to the stage to join in. Special mention should go to the senior ladies who sat through the entire performance and enjoyed every minute. Here’s to great day. We can’t wait to see what surprises there are in store for next year.

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